We set off for Kelsall Hill for the second time this season, after finishing 11th at the April event. I was hopeful to improve on that position, having worked hard on our flatwork.
We arrived on a lovely bright day and went to work in for the dressage. I gave Lucy her usual 50 mins to get settled and start working properly. Lucy went in and did a nice test and I was hopeful for a low 30 score. Onto the show jumping and Lucy jumped clear which was a relief. I had heard that our dressage was 34, which was our second best score of the season and I was very pleased with this.
I went to the cross country realising that a good round here could put us within grasp of a placing. It was nerve wracking to be in this position but exciting to think all our hard work could pay off. Lucy flew round the course, really taking it on to finish clear within the time. We cooled her off and put her away before waiting for the results.
I was over the moon to see we finished 5th! A huge high to the end of the season, but unfortunately the result was tinged with sadness as I knew this was our last event together . The decision has been made for Lucy to go back to her owner to be put in foal next spring, which is sad news for me bit also exciting at the prospect of becoming a Mum!
Sunday, 5 September 2010
Monday, 5 July 2010

Last weekend I took Lucy to Chester Racecourse for the British Masters show. This show is one of my favourites as it is an International show that attracts some of the countrys top riders. This year I booked the day off work on the Friday to go and jump the British Novice. I decided to do the one class as Lucy and I were off to Riding Club camp on the Saturday and i didnt want to over do it with her. We arrived at Chester Friday morning and the ground was fantastic considering how little rain we have had. I walked the course and it was two phase. It was a lovely large ring and a nice flowing track. I worked Lucy in and soon it was my turn to go. She jumped very well just getting a little strong and flattening in places, resulting in her having a pole down. I find outdoors she is more forward going and sometimes she runs on and gets a little long and flat, I really need to work on maintaining a shorter, bouncier canter and get her to get her hocks underneath to produce a more powerful jump. I was pleased with how she went at such a large show with an electric atmosphere. We then went straight to Kelsall for camp, we had a thoroughly enjoyable weekend and had lots of fun.
Sunday, 20 June 2010
Riding Club National Champs Qualifier

Lucy and I have been selected to be on the team for Delamere Forest
Riding Club in the show jumping team qualifier for the Riding Club National Championships. We are making up the trio to jump the 1m section. We travelled to a local venue in Middlewich on Sunday 20th June on a beautiful sunny morning. We met up with my 2 team members, Jo and Alison, and walked the course for the qualifier. It was supposed to be 1m but it was quite small in my opinion, so i was confident that Lucy would jump clear. We were drawn 2nd for the team and Lucy duly jumped a lovely clear in the first round, as did Jo and Alison to put us in a strong position. We had to jump off with 8 other teams to decide which team would make it through to the final. Jo went first and jumped a lovely 3rd clear. Lucy and I followed and i went as quickly as i could without risking having a fence down. Lucy jumped another lovely clear which just left Alison to jump. Unfortunately her mare had a very unlucky pole down to leave us in 6th place. I was extremely pleased with Lucy today she jumped fanastically.
Sunday, 6 June 2010
BRAND HALL BE90 - 5th June

Today Mum, Lucy and I travelled to Brand Hall to do our 2nd BE90. As horses usually prove, anything can happen and the day showed a mixed bag of fortune. In the Dressage, all was going well until something caught Lucy's eye and we ended up cantering sideways during our change of rein in trot! Despite this, we scored 36.5, which i thought was fair. Onto the show jumping, it was spooky and bright but not overly big, Lucy jumped clear this phase so I went onto the cross country hoping to improve on our dressage placing.
The course was beautifully built but fairly straightforward except for fence 3 which was through a small gap in the hedgeline onto an angled table, which was my only worry. Lucy set of positively and jumped the tricky angle perfectly. We continued to boldly gallop until we reached the water which was down a slope, I tried to steady Lucy in time but unfortunately I could not slow her in time, we reached the edge of the water a little too fast and she slammed the breaks on , and I duly tipped over her head! I was so cross with myself for such an amatuer mistake, but got on and finished the course well. The fall left us right at the bottom of the leaderboard. We went home happy to be safe and having learnt some vital lessons from the day.
Thursday, 20 May 2010
After a couple of weekends off, Lucy and I went to my absolute favourite show of the year the Bolesworth Classic, held in the grounds of the beautiful Bolesworth Castle in Tattenhall. This year we went on the Friday as they were holding the Scope Novice qualifier on that day. Lucy was keen from the off I think in hindsight her little break may not have been the best idea! First up was the British Novice, held in the Lake Arena. It was very spooky and Lucy got a bit flat again and very uncharacteristically had 3 fences down. I put it down to being a bit fresh and put her back in the trailer to wait for the Scope Novice to start. In between classes the heavens opened and we got soaked so we took shelter in the Joules stand and looked at all the lovely clothes! I walked the course for the Novice which was quite a meaty 1m. I worked Lucy in really concentrating on getting her to listen and she felt much better. I took her in the ring and she was rather keen and strong and just hit fence 2 for 4 faults. I was pleased with her as it was an improvement over quite a big track. I bought 2 lovely photographs from Blue Print studio to give to Lucys owner.

Our next outing is Bold Heath BE 90.

Our next outing is Bold Heath BE 90.
Sunday, 9 May 2010
SOUTHVIEW BSJA - Sunday 9th May

Today we had a slight change of plan, as we were supposed to be going to Bold Heath to jump the British Novice and Discovery. For one reason or another, we re-routed to our local venue, South View, to jump the Discovery.
We arrived at 8.45am, to find we were the only ones there! Mum panicked and thought it had been cancelled!! I told her not to worry as Showjumpers are normally late! We soon realised it was still on and I went to walk the course, which was a Two Phase. It was quite a technical course having lots of related distances, tight lines and a treble combination. I thought it may be quite challenging for us as I havent jumped a Discovery for a while.
We went to get Lucy, as I warmed her up it began to get busier. I didn't need to warm her up for long as she was listening from the word go today, yesterdays lesson must have done her some good. I did a bit of trot work before moving to canter, getting her going off my leg and lengthening and shortening her stride. I then jumped the small cross pole a couple of times, an upright and a couple of oxers, finishing with a bigger, square oxer. She was jumping well, listening to me and going nice and forward so I decided to go in.
Fences 1 - 8 was the first phase, with the fences at 1m. She jumped the first section brilliantly, especially through the combination which I was very pleased about. We were clear in the first phase so moved straight onto the jump off, which was fences 9 - 14 with the fences at 1.10m.
She had fence 9 down, which I blame myself for as I let her run on a little so she got a bit long and flat, and I think it took her by surprise that the fence was bigger. Onto 10 and 11, too airy uprights on a three stride line on an angle, I felt her slightly hesitate at ten so I rode her strongly, and she hit fence 11, for another fence down. Then round to a big double, quite tight off the corner, which she jumped beautifully. I got her a bit deep to fence 13 but she really tried for me, and onto the final fence, I couldn't see a stride (which would of panicked me in the past and I am working hard to not worry and fiddle and to just keep riding forwards and positively), but I kept my leg on, and thought Lucy would add an extra stride, but she didn't, she took off a bit early, but jumped it clear.
She is getting much better at not relying on me and I know now as long as I sit quiet but keep my leg on she can jump from a deep stride or from a bit far off the fence. I am so pleased with the way she jumped today as it was a technical course and I realise 8 faults may not be a great result on paper, but Lucy jumped the best she has ever gone and I really feel we are now understanding each other and becoming a partnership.
Next weekend Mum and I are going to Chatsworth to watch the Pro's at work and to see what I can learn from them! Lucy will have a rest on Saturday, and on Sunday we are taking her to an 'Eventers Challenge' which involves jumping a course of show jumps followed by cross country fences, which should be fun!
FLATWORK LESSON - Saturday 8th May
This morning we took Lucy up to Forest Gate Farm in Norley to have a flatwork lesson with my instructor, Jane Carruthers. I have been having lessons from Jane since I got Lucy and she has improved our flatwork no end over the last few months. Jane is a fantastic teacher as she is very patient and encouraging. I have a lot to thank her for, as she has built my confidence and helped me to believe in myself and my ability to get the best from Lucy.
Lucy worked brilliantly today in the lesson, we worked on getting her to listen to me by doing lots of transitions, walk to canter, canter to halt etc, this was to get her to react to my aids immediately. We also worked on some circles as I have a habit of doing my circles too square in dressage tests, so Jane really got me to do a correct circle and get Lucy bending the right way. We worked for an hour and 20 minutes today, I was quite tired at the end (must get fitter!) Lucy, however, was absolutely fine!
She did some lovely work today and I am very pleased with her, we just need to brush up on a few things and hopefully we will begin to get better marks in our Dressage.
We have our next lesson booked on Sunday 30th May, just a week before our next BE event at Brand Hall, to practice the Dressage test for the Event.
Lucy worked brilliantly today in the lesson, we worked on getting her to listen to me by doing lots of transitions, walk to canter, canter to halt etc, this was to get her to react to my aids immediately. We also worked on some circles as I have a habit of doing my circles too square in dressage tests, so Jane really got me to do a correct circle and get Lucy bending the right way. We worked for an hour and 20 minutes today, I was quite tired at the end (must get fitter!) Lucy, however, was absolutely fine!
She did some lovely work today and I am very pleased with her, we just need to brush up on a few things and hopefully we will begin to get better marks in our Dressage.
We have our next lesson booked on Sunday 30th May, just a week before our next BE event at Brand Hall, to practice the Dressage test for the Event.
Monday, 3 May 2010

Saturday 1st May 2010
On Saturday we took Lucy to our local venue, South View, to do the 90cm Combined Training Qualifier. I wasn't expecting too much as the dressage test was Novice 27, which was quite complicated with some tricky movements in it.
I had a very reasonable time of 13.07, so we got up with plenty of time to give Lucy a clean and do her plaits. We got to South View with lots of time to work her in, this was because I had ridden her on Thursday and she was in season (and with that being a bit cheeky and difficult!). I expected her to be the same so I gave us a good hour and a quarter to get settled onto the job. As it happened, she was a lot quieter and I got some lovely work from her in the warm up which was encouraging. I was a bit worried about remembering the test as I only had 3 days to learn it and I hadn't really managed to have a run through on Lucy before the day.
Lucy was lovely, really relaxed and listening to me, but when it was our turn to go into the arena she had a naughty little spook and spun around. She refused to go into the arena without a telling off from me, which wasn't a good start as it meant she went tense. I managed to get her settled a bit before we began the test, but the first half wasnt as fluent as I hoped.
She began to relax for the second half, and just as I started to think 'great, this is going well' I had a horrible blank moment in my mind, and realised I had gone wrong! The judge kindly re-directed me and I finished the test but knew I would get 2 penalties for my error.
Turns out I was right to be worried about forgetting the test, that teaches me a lesson for next time, 3 days is not long enough for me to learn a test 100%! I came out a bit upset as I thought I had messed it up for the horse, as she did try for me.
I went onto the showjumping and was determined to enjoy it as I thought I'd blown all chances of a placing. We went in and Lucy jumped well, a little hesitation at the second fence when she took her eye off it, but jumped a clear. She is getting extremely consistent at 90cms which is brilliant news.
We untacked her, gave her some hay, and went to look at the score board. I couldn't believe my eyes that I was in the top 6 after the dressage even with my error - what a great surprise! I was also shocked to see from 18 competitors that there was only 4 show jumping clears.
Lucy and I finished a brilliant 5th, with a couple of Pro riders ahead of us. The top 6 qualify for the Championships, so me and Lucy are off to the Final in September!
This horse is being amazing at the moment!!
Next Sunday we are off to Bold Heath BSJA to do the British Novice and the Scope Festival Novice qualifier as a bit of jumping practice and to jump a bit bigger as we havent jumped all that much since our break over winter.
MY FIRST EVER B.E EVENT. Kelsall Hill BE (1) BE90 competition. 17.04.2010

Lucy settled nicely for the dressage, only my second ever test on her. The ground was very dewy and I was worrying about her slipping, which she did on a few corners, so I didn't ride her as forward as i would have liked. I came out happy with Lucy's performance and that I had remembered the test, but I knew we could do better had it not been so slippy. I will definitely ask Nigel our farrier for stud holes all round next time he comes! We took Lucy back to the trailer for half an hour for a breather, and I went over to the results tent to see the score.
We got a mark of 36.5, which was better than expected! At the end of the Dressage that score left us in 22nd place out of the 50 in my section.
Mum and Deb (my Auntie) kindly got Lucy ready for me for the Show Jumping, and we went over to warm up. I did a small warm up then popped a couple of fences which she jumped great. I really felt conifident as show jumping in theory should be our best phase as this is where we have had most practice! It was a lovely flowing track and she jumped a cracking clear, albeit a bit keen and a little spooky! I was thrilled with her, I gave her lots of pats, and she had lots of polos from Mum.
Then we got ready for the XC, which was only my second one on her. My Mum and Auntie Deb were excellent grooms tacking her up ready to go! I headed down to the XC and hadn't a clue how much/little to warm up so just gave her a nice canter, and got her going off my leg and jumped the practice fence from each rein, before I was called.
We went to the start box then I realised 'this is it' as the starter counted me down. Off we went out the start box, full of determination, we got into a lovely rhythm to jump the first 7 fairly straightforward fences then onto the water. We turned the corner to the flower fence at 9 before the water and I had to ride strongly as the water and crowd caught her eye. She backed off it, but with a bit of vocal encouragement and strong legs from me she popped over and bounded through the water, ears pricked! We jumped the cart up the hill on a flyer and onto the wheelbarrow combination, two fences on a curving 4 strides which she jumped lovely through and really listening to me.
Next was the log to the corner, I made sure I had her anchored to jump the log to get her straight to the corner on a slight curving line. Once again she really listened to me and locked onto the corner, she flew over that, kicking on over the last few including the double of hay wanes on an angle for a fab CLEAR!!
I was smiling like the Cheshire Cat and patting her like mad! Mum was in tears at the finishing line with tears of relief! I got off her and walked her off but she was hardly blowing. We took her back, untacked her and swilled off.
We then took her home as we are local and came back to look at score board, and saw I was inside the time!
As I was inside the time, I knew we would finish on a score of 36.5, so we hung around as for a while it looked like we were in with a chance of a Rosette, but in the end we finished one out of the placings in 11th.
I was over the moon for our first attempt, Lucy was a superstar throughout the whole thing I could not of asked anymore of her! She will now have a couple of days chilling in the field before our next outing, a Combined Training Qualifier at South View.
I have now decided Eventing is amazing and will do more of it as I found it less stressful that SJ, everyone was so friendly, from the organisers to the other competitors. I thorougly enjoyed the whole experience and can't wait for another one!
Wednesday, 28 April 2010
Good Evening! This is the beginning of my brand new blog, with my first ever post!
This blog aims to chart the ups and downs of my life with my horses, from day to day life to competing in the two disciplines i love, Show Jumping and Eventing.
Please take a moment to have a browse around the site to find out about my two fabulous horses, myself, and to follow my progress in BSJA and British Eventing competitions.
Thank you for visiting!! x
This blog aims to chart the ups and downs of my life with my horses, from day to day life to competing in the two disciplines i love, Show Jumping and Eventing.
Please take a moment to have a browse around the site to find out about my two fabulous horses, myself, and to follow my progress in BSJA and British Eventing competitions.
Thank you for visiting!! x
Friday, 15 January 2010

Last week, I took Pete to a Jumping lesson with Richard Carruthers to get used to him before I take him to our first show. He was fantastic, and ended up jumping a course of about 1m really nicely and it felt so easy for him! He is so much fun to jump and fills me with confidence! We are all set for our first show at Bold Heath in a few weeks time. We are jumping the 95cm Open there.